25 December 2006

21 December 2006

Amri kata,

takde kete tak per...
takde tv pun tak per...
takde perempuan...ok lagi...
takde computer...takleh jadi...
takde internet...leh mati!

ps: Apo la amri..

17 December 2006

Family flew to Sabah last week - a three days stay at Sutera Harbour, KK, two days at Tawau and three days at Wallace Bay which is an island with no electricity during the day. The village have a generator that powers us at night from 6 evening to 12 midn. I love kampung life but don't want to live it. It was a great holiday - ate lots of seafood and met a lots of nice people.

now at the office. have to get back to KL early while my family is currently at Lahad Datu. tonight had my first ride since the accident.

16 December 2006

08 December 2006

07 December 2006

The RAM Return

At first, I was shocked to notice the lack of memory on my laptop from one 1G to 512M. So I take out the 1GB and put on the damaged slot, then reach my older 512M in my closet and put it together again. Unexpectedly, it works! The screenshot was taken during the test - which still left 200M free!! Klimaks beb, klimaks!

06 December 2006

Setabaks, Mid Valley

Cett, ada plak orang sakit kena paksa gi surf kat starbux midvalley >:( Best arh!! dlm masa 2minggu 4 orang member aku angkat laptop! Gilerr! Compaq x2, Apple Mac Book Pro dgn HP Pavillion! Laptop aku plak buat hal, asyik hang je sbb eksiden dulu :((

05 December 2006


I'm in my room at my parents home...can't move so easily like I was...doomed with tense...but I'm used to it...am just so grateful for where I am now...thank you Allah...this is your test...these are your reminders...for me...someone who had forgotten.

Million thanks to my housemates...you were there for me...at the time I need close people...you are within my reach...I did you guys trouble...and I will remember you were there when i tumbled.

And finally mom and dad...back to help me again...I expected life on my own feet...now the thoughts are totally mistakes.

I can't wait... to ride again... ;-)


aman, 2days after the accident.

23 November 2006


Ni kat office ni. Hari ni shift malam. Tadi terbangun lewat. Gelabah gak la. Start enjin, tengok minyak nak kena line merah dah. Cek dompet pulak cuma tinggal seringgit dua posen, semua syiling pulak tu. Sudah..

Bawak punya la cermat guna taktik penggunaan minyak yang paling minima - seperti menekan clutch sambil melepaskan minyak di jalan yang mempunyai kecerunan negatif serta menggunakan gear tinggi.

Bila sampai je ATM, lagilah kecewa sebab disambut dengan skrin biru - Service not available.

Jadi isi je lah minyak dengan sengget syiling tu. Dah la aku bayar dengan bertebaran syiling bersepah, sabar je la tengok mamat yang jaga pam minyak tu bila dia tengok duit yang aku hulur, dia pandang muka aku pastu tengok apa benda la yg aku nak isi kat pam 10.

Alhamdulillah, selamat jugak aku sampai kat office. Perut lapar. Tapi ada dua posen je. Nak beli roti kerim pun tak cukup. Tamat al kisah.

22 November 2006

Get wired.

Went to bed late last night. Managed to set the NFS and Samba server and wired my mac to it - and insecurely wired from outside. And now I'm upgrading my Debian to sid. I can't wait.

Ever wanted to login 2 different account on the same time? Use Tor. It will bounce your connection over number of other Tor clients which make you anonymous. Like you have two Yahoo! mail accounts which serve different purpose and you want to check both of them at the same minute. Well I have two browsers which are Safari and Firefox. Windows' users for example, can log into the first account using Internet Explorer while for another account you may use Firefox with Tor extension(works after Tor installed) - Torbutton. Below is , how Tor works and actually may become very useful for many situations ;)

21 November 2006

19 November 2006

How your Yahoo! accounts got stolen.

It's not because a skillful hacker who uses his intelligence to crack your password. But it is because of some jerks who really use their brain to trick us.. and not to forget one more reason - we are careless.

Before you enter any information, make sure the connection is secure by looking at the address bar for https. The difference is the 's' letter following the http. By establishing a secure connection, you may see a symbol of a lock at the bottom of your browser - I'm not sure for Internet Explorer users because the picture above is using Firefox.

Don't be surprise if I tell you that your Yahoo! Messenger client maybe infected. Most of my friends are continuously sending me messages like (I've WARNED YOU NOT TO LOG IN):

  • Miss World 2006: http://thecoolpics.net/MissWorld.jpg !!
  • Screenshot of new windows version _ Windows Vista http://thecoolpics.net/vista.jpg so cool :D
  • Do you realize who is in this image: http://thecoolpics.net/who.jpg . Just think for a moment and tell me soon
  • who is beside you in this pic http://thecoolpics.net/friendpic1.jpg so good-looking

You may didn't even know that you sent them until your friends tell you. If you look into the html source of the website, you can notice this piece of code:

INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mail_From" VALUE="boss"
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mail_To" VALUE="geo.domination@gmail.com"
INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mail_Subject" VALUE="privet work details"

which means the username and password that you typed in will be sent to geo.domination@gmail.com

Spread this information to your friends!

Phucking phisher:

18 November 2006

Camera-phone Tips for Better Photos

I'm sure most of you have a camera-phone right? Well, here some quick-tips on how to snap better photos:

  • Capture the unexpected.

  • Sneak it in.

  • Get close and personal.

  • Keep it steady.

  • It's all about the light.

  • Use night mode.

  • Turn off the fake shutter sound.

  • Turn off the zoom.

  • Keep your lens clean.

  • Make your photo about one object.

  • Plan for shutter delay.

  • Download and archive often.

Kisar semua benda.

Gila. Dia blend semua benda - CD, tin can, pens, golfball, penyapu. Asal tak blend iPod ke, PS3 ke..lagi best.

15 November 2006

Memory loss :(

I'm surprised too see my laptop memory size shrank to 512. The 256 is disfunctional! Poor me :-( It came with the laptop, and i guess it is the earliest departure.


Rupa-rupanya, bukan RAM yang rosak, tapi slot die. Lagi la sedey :(

13 November 2006


Bayangkan aku start berinternet sejak darjah 4, lepas tu sampai la form 4 kena pindah umah yang tak boleh nak pasang internet. Batin terseksa beb.

Setelah sekian lama mengimpikan untuk memiliki kemudahan Streamyx sendiri, akhirnya... Rasa nak menitis air mata. Sejak family pindah waktu aku form 4 dulu, macam-macam ikhtiar dah dibuat. Tunggu punya tunggu, line telefon tak masuk-masuk. Pastu panggil orang Telekom pasang wireless broadband, signal tak stabil sebab bahagian rumah berlainan terima signal dari pusat berlainan. Kemudian cuba pulak negotiate dengan jiran yang memang dah ada line telefon. Diaorang dah lah buta IT - sesuka aku je - pastu nak kena explain pulak apa faedah internet. Semangat gila promote Streamyx. Lepas discussion, terus diaorang setuju dengan syarat yuran bahagia dua. Aku yang kene buat semua. Pergi register, telefon, setup, troubleshoot. Malangnya, bila nak connect wirelessly dari rumah ke rumah, signal tak sampaaai :( Sabar je la.

Selama takda internet ni, aku rajin gi jauh2 dari SgBuloh ke Cheras/Serdang semata-mata nak surf. Kalau tengah malam orang lain nak start tido, aku pulak tetiba sengal nak surf. Pergilah tgh2 malam sesejuk ke office. Pastu kalau gi shopping complex, laptop selalu kat belakang. Lepak je TMNet Hotspot kat Burger King Mid-Valley 5-6 jam. Sampai budak-budak Burger King kat sana dah pandang-pandang, which aku buat selamba jek. Tapi diaorang pun dah biasa dengan aku, siap kenal-kenal daa.

Tapi yang penting sekarang, aku ada banyak projek nak buat. Hehe.

12 November 2006