Shell$ mkdir Yui\ Photos
Shell$ cd Yui\ Photos
Shell$ for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do `wget$i$j.jpg`; done; done;
19 August 2006
To ziggy..
Lame script for you :-p
14 August 2006
Gmail Doesn't Permit Application Attachment
but I just remove the extension, renamed it from cleaner.exe to just cleaner (without dot exe). You guys can do the same. But don't forget to tell the recipient to rename it back with dot exe.
12 August 2006
Taiyou no Uta

Few days back, Zig sent me Taiyou no Uta by usual method we always use in exchanging big files ; ) At first, i thought, "What the heck with this movie?". The heroine wasn't so attractive and the earlier part of the movie is a bit slow. So I just skipped everything until I decided to watch the whole movie today. Surprisingly, it end up with me going crazy. Crazy about this movie, and Yui : )
Dear readers, its a good story about a female dracula which isn't really a dracula :-p I would like to share it with you guys but I can't post the download link here. Hehe, just to avoid myself from getting into any worst situation. So I only send the download link to people I know through messenger. And I want to let you know, the quality is great with overall size of 755MB. Take a while to download but still quiet fast because it is a local server. By the way, there's no such thing as dracula in this movie. Adios!
11 August 2006
Kekucingan aku dibuatnya..
Awal pagi ni, masa mak dan adik sibuk nak ke sekolah, aku perasan seekor kucing betina kitorang kena kurung dalam sangkar kucing. Terus aku rasa cam nak marah. Sebab kesian tengok kucing tu melolong nak keluar. Aku pun tanya la sape punya kerja. Rupanya adik aku Nirah yang kurung dia dari semalam. Apa? Satu malam kena kurung?! Kejam betul. Terus aku sound tanya apasal dia kejam sangat dengan binatang. Rupanya adik aku nampak dia seolah-olah nak makan adik-adik dia yang baru lahir. Si ibu kucing baru je lahirkan 5 ekor 2-3 hari lepas. Hmm. Pedulik apa aku. Aku pun terus lepaskan dia dari kurungan. Zapp! Terus betina tu pergi ke arah bayi-bayi kucing, cekup seekor bawak lari. Aku pun itut la dan dapati dia takde pun nak bunuh ke, melahap ke. Dia cuma nak jaga. Macam seorang kakak nak jaga adik-adik dia. Aku pelik la apa pasal nak angkat seekor je. Adik aku yang dah gi sekolah marah-marah plak kat sms bila dapat tau aku lepaskan. Aku pening gak, sebab kalau betul la dia makan, boleh rasa bersalah gak. So aku pun merujuk pada ex-classmate, pelajar vet, Azreen pakar kucing haha. Bila dia cakap betina tak makan anak kucing, aku pun terus kurung dia dengan semua bayi-bayi kucing tu dalam satu sangkar. Kau orang semua rasa apa yang jadi? Hehe, aku pun tak caya. Dia susukan semua bayi-bayi tu. Hehe, adik isap susu kakak huhu. Kakak tu mengandung jugak kalau kau orang nak tahu. Dia terkeliru kut dengan anak-anak dia dalam perut die. Dah. Aku pun dah malas nak fikir. Aku buat muka comel je la.
08 August 2006
2 Years Stock Performance for 7 Top Computer Companies
06 August 2006
02 August 2006
News isn't really news.
I've been thinking lately, with all the thousands feeds of news I pulled through RSS, how do I tell that these news are true. I have found out that the Reuter is owned by the Israel, where some of Malaysian's contents are from it. Who should we trust? CNN? BBC? Media is being controlled by wrong people, and we get the wrong story. My idea is, lets have a news agency that only tell news by only broadcasting videos - of incidents and what people say. No text. What do you think?
01 August 2006
There are things that we like that aren't good for us to have, and there are some people that we love but are not the best to live with. Patience my dear friends.. As you getting older, you will really know what's best for you. Pray to Allah for His guidance. Someday, when the time is right, you will know.
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