30 September 2007

29 September 2007

Tips Kejut Orang Bersahur

Ditulis ImamKhalid melalui soleh.net

Pagi ni kita sambung sikit sesi panduan kita dengan tips-tips untuk kejutkan pasangan atau rakan kita untuk bersahur. Sahur merupakan ibadat, sunat untuk dilakukan. Jadi kalau tak bersahur, kurang lah pahalanya…

Baiklah, antara cara yang mula-mula kita lakukan ialah:

  1. Pegang anak jari kiri/kanan sambil tu panggil nama dia perlahan-lahan.
  2. Sentuh bahu orang yang tidur tu dan goyangkan perlahan lahan sambil panggil nama dia.
  3. Renjis air kat muka dia sambil panggil nama dia.
  4. Tampar tampar manja pipi dia sambil panggil nama dia.
  5. Tutup kipas/air cond.

Tapi kalau masih tak berkesan:

  1. Jerit nama dia kuat kuat.
  2. Gigit ibu jari kaki dia macam hantu toyol gigit.
  3. Simbah air sebaldi, kalau boleh air rendam baju dalam.
  4. Tarik rambut dia sampai dia jatuh dari tilam.
  5. Goyangkan badan dia kuat-kuat sambil menjerit, “gempa bumi! gempa bumi! tsunami!
  6. Jerit “api! api! api!”
  7. Letak hidangan KFC atau McDonald atau pun ikan patin masak tempoyak yang baru dibeli di sebelah hidung dia - bagi dia ambik bau sikit.

Tapi kalau masih tak berkesan juga:

  1. Pergi kat telinga dia dan sebut, “maa rabbuka!” - sambil seru nama dia banyak kali.
  2. Duduk bersila di sebelah dia dan baca surah yaa sin!

Tapi kalau masih tak berkesan juga, ini saja cara terakhir:

  1. Panggil orang masjid/surau untuk uruskan - kerana Tuhan lebih menyayanginya. Innaa liLlaahi wainnaa ilaihi rooji’uun.

Wallahu a’lam.

28 September 2007

Nak tau bile tu kegumbiraan jangka masa pendek?

Mod : merepek

Bile ada kuih free yang banyak jenis, ada cookie yang sedap yang dibakar seorang gadis, air soya mawar yang murah tapi sejuk sambil melayan internet.

Tapi bagi maman lak, bile ada kuih free yang banyak jenis, air soya biasa yang murah tapi sejuk sambil melayan internet dengan PCnya yang terletak di atas meja barunya yang dibeli di Jusco bersama kerusi berwarna kuning setelah mengetahui gajinya masuk awal.

Kerepekan tamat. Burp! Alhamdulillah.

26 September 2007

“I Dont hate Mozilla but use IE or Else...”

Maman wrote, "refering to a problem which a silly type of virus which keep users from using Firefox and pop out a message - I Dont hate Mozilla but use IE or Else... isn't a good example as a virus developer. The irresponsible person crafted the virus to attack opensource/free software users. I just can say that the person behind this are coward. Thank you.

Here is the solution:
  1. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  2. Go to the Process Tab.
  3. End task with the name svchost.exe which run ONLY under your username.
  4. Type c:\heap41a in your address bar of your file explorer. This is the only way to open this folder. It won't be visible by just browsing My Computer.
You have done it! Give a smile :-) and you can use your Firefox again.

Credit to Mohan

23 September 2007

Backup Your Yahoo Messenger ID Contact Before Worst Thing Happen

I and my friends had a conversation last night about hijacked Yahoo! ID and we agreed on what the saddest thing about it - lost of ID contacts. So this morning I figured it out how to backup YM contacts by exporting them from Yahoo! mail.

Login to your Yahoo! mail and go to Addresses tab at the top. Then click Import/Export link which is located on the right between Sync and Options button. Scroll down to Export section and click Yahoo! CSV: Export Now. You will automatically download a dot csv file. To check the content, use Microsoft Excel to open it.

Additional steps on securing your Yahoo ID: Take your security question seriously, use symbol combination in your password, and avoid entering password on accepted/received URL.

Updated august 11 2008:
Import/export feature is now under Contacts.

Crazy Japanese Vending Machine

PhotoMann has a large 'collection' of images of unique vending machines found around Japan. Over 50 of them can be seen here. The machines are everywhere. Estimates suggest there are 5.6 million vending machines which works out to be one for every 20 people in Japan. Sales from vending machines in 2000 totaled $56 billion!

There are many purposes from selling eggs and umbrellas to charging your handphones.

Credit to msaleem.

22 September 2007

Thing About Email : Cc and Bcc

They are carbon copy and blind carbon copy. The recipient and anyone specified in those two(Cc & Bcc) will accept the email. The different is, everyone who accept the email, will only see email addresses in Cc but not addresses in Bcc. Bcc hides them.

"Maman la ni tetibe tanye!"

03 September 2007

Convert measurement using google

I'm surprised too =) Thanks Lotso.