30 September 2007

29 September 2007

Tips Kejut Orang Bersahur

Ditulis ImamKhalid melalui soleh.net

Pagi ni kita sambung sikit sesi panduan kita dengan tips-tips untuk kejutkan pasangan atau rakan kita untuk bersahur. Sahur merupakan ibadat, sunat untuk dilakukan. Jadi kalau tak bersahur, kurang lah pahalanya…

Baiklah, antara cara yang mula-mula kita lakukan ialah:

  1. Pegang anak jari kiri/kanan sambil tu panggil nama dia perlahan-lahan.
  2. Sentuh bahu orang yang tidur tu dan goyangkan perlahan lahan sambil panggil nama dia.
  3. Renjis air kat muka dia sambil panggil nama dia.
  4. Tampar tampar manja pipi dia sambil panggil nama dia.
  5. Tutup kipas/air cond.

Tapi kalau masih tak berkesan:

  1. Jerit nama dia kuat kuat.
  2. Gigit ibu jari kaki dia macam hantu toyol gigit.
  3. Simbah air sebaldi, kalau boleh air rendam baju dalam.
  4. Tarik rambut dia sampai dia jatuh dari tilam.
  5. Goyangkan badan dia kuat-kuat sambil menjerit, “gempa bumi! gempa bumi! tsunami!
  6. Jerit “api! api! api!”
  7. Letak hidangan KFC atau McDonald atau pun ikan patin masak tempoyak yang baru dibeli di sebelah hidung dia - bagi dia ambik bau sikit.

Tapi kalau masih tak berkesan juga:

  1. Pergi kat telinga dia dan sebut, “maa rabbuka!” - sambil seru nama dia banyak kali.
  2. Duduk bersila di sebelah dia dan baca surah yaa sin!

Tapi kalau masih tak berkesan juga, ini saja cara terakhir:

  1. Panggil orang masjid/surau untuk uruskan - kerana Tuhan lebih menyayanginya. Innaa liLlaahi wainnaa ilaihi rooji’uun.

Wallahu a’lam.

28 September 2007

Nak tau bile tu kegumbiraan jangka masa pendek?

Mod : merepek

Bile ada kuih free yang banyak jenis, ada cookie yang sedap yang dibakar seorang gadis, air soya mawar yang murah tapi sejuk sambil melayan internet.

Tapi bagi maman lak, bile ada kuih free yang banyak jenis, air soya biasa yang murah tapi sejuk sambil melayan internet dengan PCnya yang terletak di atas meja barunya yang dibeli di Jusco bersama kerusi berwarna kuning setelah mengetahui gajinya masuk awal.

Kerepekan tamat. Burp! Alhamdulillah.

26 September 2007

“I Dont hate Mozilla but use IE or Else...”

Maman wrote, "refering to a problem which a silly type of virus which keep users from using Firefox and pop out a message - I Dont hate Mozilla but use IE or Else... isn't a good example as a virus developer. The irresponsible person crafted the virus to attack opensource/free software users. I just can say that the person behind this are coward. Thank you.

Here is the solution:
  1. Open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  2. Go to the Process Tab.
  3. End task with the name svchost.exe which run ONLY under your username.
  4. Type c:\heap41a in your address bar of your file explorer. This is the only way to open this folder. It won't be visible by just browsing My Computer.
You have done it! Give a smile :-) and you can use your Firefox again.

Credit to Mohan

23 September 2007

Backup Your Yahoo Messenger ID Contact Before Worst Thing Happen

I and my friends had a conversation last night about hijacked Yahoo! ID and we agreed on what the saddest thing about it - lost of ID contacts. So this morning I figured it out how to backup YM contacts by exporting them from Yahoo! mail.

Login to your Yahoo! mail and go to Addresses tab at the top. Then click Import/Export link which is located on the right between Sync and Options button. Scroll down to Export section and click Yahoo! CSV: Export Now. You will automatically download a dot csv file. To check the content, use Microsoft Excel to open it.

Additional steps on securing your Yahoo ID: Take your security question seriously, use symbol combination in your password, and avoid entering password on accepted/received URL.

Updated august 11 2008:
Import/export feature is now under Contacts.

Crazy Japanese Vending Machine

PhotoMann has a large 'collection' of images of unique vending machines found around Japan. Over 50 of them can be seen here. The machines are everywhere. Estimates suggest there are 5.6 million vending machines which works out to be one for every 20 people in Japan. Sales from vending machines in 2000 totaled $56 billion!

There are many purposes from selling eggs and umbrellas to charging your handphones.

Credit to msaleem.

22 September 2007

Thing About Email : Cc and Bcc

They are carbon copy and blind carbon copy. The recipient and anyone specified in those two(Cc & Bcc) will accept the email. The different is, everyone who accept the email, will only see email addresses in Cc but not addresses in Bcc. Bcc hides them.

"Maman la ni tetibe tanye!"

03 September 2007

Convert measurement using google

I'm surprised too =) Thanks Lotso.

18 August 2007

Machines Opening

Today, Machines(KLCC) had their official opening and there were 50 units of iPod Shuffle sold with 50% off. I thought I would be one of the first ten person, but i was totally wrong. It was 8.30am and there were about 20-30 people already standing in front of the closed store. Some of them I heard came at 7. Feh! Met a few person who aren't so familiar with Apple, but have the desire to have one product. Been asked a no-brainer question also(silly but funny).

And I also met this Machines guy from the Mid Valley Machines store and we(with kevler) talked about few cool things. There were drinks and pastries and not to forget, the new iMac which didn't really caught my attention. What so sad is, no iPhone preview and they announced the cancellation last minute. Anyway, Machines did a good job and thanks for paying 200 for my 1st mp3 player. Erm..I dislike Apple earphone. I prefer my sennheiser =p

Yeah, I've heard this somewhere, Azul bought an iPhone from San Francisco and manage to unlock and use it here in Malaysia. Well, I'm looking forward to Azul at the next MyMug meetup =p

Some maths here. The price tag says rm.349. But in US they sell for usd.79 which is rm.277 here. WTF! Anyway they sold to us for rm.147 which is pretty cool.

Download Youtube Video

THIS TWO SITES ARE COOL! You give them youtube URL, and they will convert the video to some popular format such as .AVI .MOV .MP4 .3GP and even MP3. Later you'll be shown a download link where you can save the requested video to your computer. Now I don't have to extract the .FLV and hog my cpu to encode them to other format.

Ref | vconvert.net & vixy.net

08 August 2007

Internet Connection Sharing on Mac OS X

Windows ICS is painful. Unlike Mac OS X which involve only three steps in System Preferences. Sharing > Internet Tab > Start. Now everybody in my house can surf!

Like what you see here I've set up a sharing preferences where other computers are able to connect to my laptop using wireless connection and share my internet access which I've connected to using bluetooth through my handphone.

tersentak jap

$ ls -ldh nmap*
drwxr-xr-x 113 amanyus amanyus 3K Jul 12 05:57 nmap-4.22SOC2
-rw-r--r-- 1 amanyus amanyus 18M Aug 8 13:03 nmap-4.22SOC2.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 amanyus amanyus 4M Jul 12 06:22 nmap-4.22SOC2.tar.bz2.tar

$ du -sh nmap-4.22SOC2
19M nmap-4.22SOC2

Terkejut sebab compression stail 'tar.bz2.tar' leh bagi saiz yang mengagumkan.

07 August 2007

Mac OS X + Motorola RAZR V3X + 3G Internet

Surfing with Windows on my mom's laptop is hardly enjoyable since I'm a Mac user. But we use 3G connection on a her Motorola RAZR V3X. On Windows, the setup is pretty straight. Not for Windows.

1. Download the Motorola GPRS Modem scripts from here.
2. Unzip the scripts, and copy the "Motorola GPRS CID1" script file to the "/Library/Modem Scripts" folder.
3. Set up Bluetooth. System Preferences > Bluetooth. Make sure that "Show Bluetooth status in the menu bar is checked".
4. Turn on your Motorola, and make sure that Bluetooth is on and discoverable (Connections > Bluetooth > Find Me).
5. On your Mac, in the Bluetooth settings (System Preferences > Bluetooth) select the Devices tab, and then press the "Setup new device" button. You can also select this item from the Bluetooth icon on your task bar.
6. Follow the instructions and pair the Motorola with your Mac.
7. In step 4 of 5 of the pairing process, make sure to check the "Access the Internet with your phone's data connection" checkbox, and select the "Use a direct, higher speed connection to reach your Internet Service Provider (GPRS, 1xRTT)" Radio Button. Select continue.
8. In the next screen, leave the username and password blank. For the GRPS CID String enter *99#, and for Modem Script, select "Motorola GPRS CID1". Click continue. Then click Quit.
9. Open Network Preferences (System Preferences > Network), highlight USB Bluetooth Modem Adaptor, and click configure.
10. Don't change TCP/IP settings. Switch to the PPP tab. Leave everything blank, except the Telephone Number which should be *99#.
11. Click the PPP Options button, and make sure that "Send PPP echo packets" is unchecked. This is very important. If you don't do this step, the connection will disconnect after a few seconds. Click OK.
12. Switch to the Bluetooth Tab, and make sure the correct Modem Script is selected, and everything is checked except for "Wait for dial tone before dialing".
13. Switch back to the PPP Tab and click the "Dial Now..." button. Set configuration to "Other" and leave everything blank. Press the "Connect" button. After a second or two a terminal window will come up, just hit the continue button.
14. You should now be connected. Open a browser and browse to a web page to make sure you are connected.

Credit to mike.chambers

31 July 2007


tibe tibe keter tu main lintas je . siot betol . hampir hampir aku langgar . nasib aku sempat brek . sampai tayar belakang moto aku terseret ala ala drift di tokyo . aku ambil kesempatan kerut dahi kat pemandu tu . walaupun tu salah aku . sebab aku elak bumper kat belakang .

tak sampai beberapa minit , nampak orang mati pulak . addui ... orang tu tak gerak . sebab dia dah mati . dia pakai helmet . tapi dah pecah. nampak kepala dia addui bukan kepalang . member dia pulak goyang kaki . bukan goyang kaki cam orang takde keja tu . tapi dia tertiarap kaki dia gerak gerak . addui . sakit kot . nampak pulak lori benti kat depan . AIYOH ... kena dengan lori ke ?

aku pun benti la tepi . turun nak amik gamba . pehtu baru aku ingat henset aku takde kamera . haha (aku tipu)

terus aku blur kejap . bahayanya motor . insaf jap seminit dua ... pehtu ada satu u turn tu tayar belakang motor aku tergelincir lagi . "woi, ko ingat ni ujibakat tokyo drift ke?!"

korang pernah terpikir tak singh bawak motor pakai serban pehtu serban dia ada visor helmet . pelik tapi benar . sekian .

P&G outing last week before the Simpsons movie..

26 July 2007

Firefox Lightning Fast Tips

Type "maybank" in address text field and press enter to go to Maybank2u website. Instead of maybank2u.com or full www.maybank2u.com.my. Firefox will use the top result from Google by the word you typed. And now you can just type hotmail or utusan only and save seconds.

25 July 2007

Mood Insaf (addui!)

"Bergunung mana pun harta, bukanlah kaya namanya, jika miskin budi bahasa..Segagah mana pun diri, bukanlah namanya pahlawan, jika nafsu tidak dapat di lawan..Secantik mana pun rupa nan ayu, bukanlah namanya ratu, jika buruk tingkahlaku..Setinggi mana pun darjatnya, bukanlah namanya mulia, jika tiada iman di dada..Melangit mana pun ilmu, bukanlah namanya bijaksana, jika tidak diamal & diguna..Sealim mana pun warak, bukanlah namanya ulama', jika takbur & riak.."

sampaian ym dari Abdul Rahman Wan Zulkipli, 12 tahun (adik Maryam, dulu Maryam ni pernah jadi teman sepermainanku sewaktu kecil, walaupun ibubapa saya dan ibubapa dia merupakan rakan yang rapat, kami tidak pernah berbual sehinggalah internet mempertemukan kami. Saya mengagumi dia sebagai rakan saya kerana sifat-sifat baik yang dimilikinya). Blog

24 July 2007

Ditanya mengenai penubuhan unit anjing pengesan bagi membanteras penjualan cakera padat video (VCD) dan cakera video digital (DVD) cetak rompak, beliau berkata, ia dijangka mula beroperasi pada September ini.

‘‘Ia membabitkan dua ekor anjing jenis Labrador yang mempunyai kebolehan untuk mengesan VCD dan DVD dalam tempoh lima hingga 10 minit sahaja,’’ ujarnya. Sumber, Utusan.

ps: anjing geek...

Last night movie made me think of something.

There are still, some of us (i can say a few) work hard for reasons like these: Maybe you want to prove something to some people. Maybe because you do not want some people to think you're wasting their time (or money). Maybe because you are trying to impress some people. Maybe you want to win somebody's heart. Or sadly...maybe you just being told to.

....do it for yourself. you should try it sometime.

22 July 2007

24:2 Surah Cahaya

"(As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of obedience to Allah and the last day."

"Perempuan yang berzina dan lelaki yang berzina, hendaklah kamu sebat tiap-tiap seorang dari keduanya seratus kali sebat dan janganlah kamu dipengaruhi oleh perasaan belas kasihan terhadap keduanya dalam menjalankan hukum agama Allah, jika benar kamu beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat dan hendaklah disaksikan hukuman seksa yang dikenakan kepada mereka itu oleh sekumpulan dari orang-orang yang beriman."

Hukuman sebatan di Malaysia untuk diambil iktibar. Belum lagi azab neraka. Ref. IslamOnline , pmo.gov.my , corpun.com , e-bacaan

21 July 2007

Loving Diversity

Yeah, I've been thinking about this once in a while. There are times we fight. There are times we hate each other. There are many reasons. But I found out, there's only one reason that really fit. Diversity. We live in a world with variety of people and different opinion. That is why we quarrel, argue and disagree.

Try to embrace diversities. Love the differences. The world isn't a plain and boring place.

Laa. Ye ke?

"Ramai tidak tahu bahawa pusat ini adalah satu-satunya kawasan yang mempunyai mata wang sendiri pada sekitar 1930-an setelah wujud kebimbangan orang ramai bahawa akan berlaku jangkitan akibat sentuhan penghidap kusta,” ujarnya.

Dari Utusan. Pusat tersebut merujuk kepada kawasan 200 hektar tanah milik kementerian di sekitar Pusat Kawalan Kusta Negara, Sungai Buloh

Nuri Fakapster

Bila dah ada orang mati, baru nak fikir ganti helikopter baru la, pasang beacon pada semua pesawat la, bla bla... Rasanya memang besar pengorbanan juruterbang yang terkorban. Hanya cara tu kot untuk memaksa kerajaan menukar helikopter baru atau mengambil langkah keselamatan.

Tapi kalau orang mati juga walaupun dah diambil langkah awal, boleh kot dimaafkan. Kalau terjadi pun (ajal di tangan Tuhan), kerajaan tetap akan ambil langkah terbaru juga untuk meningkatkan lagi itu dan ini. Tindakbalas kerajaan terhadap isu semasa adalah penting. Hanya penting untuk menunjukkan kepada rakyat, mereka mengambil berat tentang undian anda, bukan keselamatan juruterbang.

Jangan marah, kritikan itu penting. Tapi kalau saya kerajaan pun, saya faham. Ingat nak jaga isu pesawat je ke? Ingat senang ke nak jaga negara? Bukan nak ambil berat undian. Kita ikhlas buat kerja ni. Macam ni lah manusia, bila ikhlas mula la nak pandang serong.

Tapi ada je lakonan ikhlas, hati manusia Allah je yang tahu. Ingat! Padang mahsyar tu sebenar-benarnya ADA, di mana segala perbuatan mu dipertontonkan.

ps: ingat ni pasal nuri je ke, ni pasal orang kita la... jangan pening, ini lah fakapster.

20 July 2007

Dari Rasa Malas ke Rasa Semangat

I laid down on bed, felt lazy to go to work that night, motivating myself, and all of sudden, Ja called, and we chatted for a while, and later I felt energetic and eager to work =) Thanks for all the concerns.

10 June 2007

Hai Pensel dan Kertas

Tiba tiba aku selongkar kotak , men cari pensel . men cari pensel ? perasaan seperti , mencari semula kawan lama . kawan yang aku tinggal kan lama . teringat pula bekas pensel dan pen yang aku beli di ikea dulu entah bila . " Nikman , ko ade kertas A4 tak ? ada pencil sharpener tak " lepas aku tanya , muka dia terus jadi blur , muke tanda tanya , " ko ape hal tetiba cari benda benda nih ? " aku memang tak tau nak cakap apa . jumpa kertas garis garis je . aku pun mula melukis muka dan lama lama jadi contengan kucar kacir yang serabut . dan aku pun campak ke lantai dan kertas tu landing terbalik . dan aku perasan belakang kertas garis garis tersebut - alah sekema nya - rupaya tak ada garis garis . aku capai kembali dan melukis garisan dan aku ulang lukis lagi garis atas garisan tersebut - faham kah pembaca - dan garisan itu menjadi tebal dan tebal dan ketebalan yang telah menemui had . ku lukis garis baru dan lukis lagi atas garisan itu dan lagi dan lagi ia menjadi tebal menemui had nya dan pensel ku , kusedari dakwat nya sudah kontot .

Aku telah terlalu biasa selesa dengan papan kekunci dan tetikus .

31 May 2007

ProjectW Closed =(

I'm shocked to hear that ProjectW is closing down. I've been with the forum for more than a year and this is so sad for me. They provide EVERYTHING from mp3s to application and warez. It is also been said that the forum has more than 400,000 members. The owner is selling the domain(not sure if including servers), and I hope somebody will buy them. See digg.

28 May 2007

26 May 2007

Mawi.. Mawi, cemane laa kau boleh termasuk dalam paper.

13 May 2007

Merepek di Waktu Cuti

Walaupun rini Ahad, aku kena pi keja gak. Pegawai IT la katakan kehkeh, Ahad pun kena kerja. Keluar je dari rumah, feh, memang best. Sebab LINE CLEAR, clean, kosong, takde orang (rasa nak lari lari). Tak macam hari biasa, kereta berduyun-duyun buat serabut otak aku je. Yang nak pergi keja sorang je, tapi yang wat penuh kat jalan raya tu, kereta-kereta. Tu yang aku tak paham tu.

Cam biasa la, kalau dah line clear, aku pun wat track racing la. Hehe. Taram sekali 150kmh. Tapi tak puas hati lagi. Kasi tunduk sket - 165 je. Dah tak larat kuda sakti aku nih. Hurmm...memang kene angkat CBR la. Tapi bila la ye...(ade je nanti yg sound, tak puas accident ke) uish, jgn ckp camtuh..hehe...

Ni tengah tak sabo ni. Dah plan ngan Kev nak men es sketing. Entah tetibe sejak dua menjak ni asyk nak try bende yang takde kene mengena dgn komputer je. Rasa nak rasa dunia luar. Banyak dalam kepala otak ni nak wat, seperti...ade laa...hehe. Aku penah la tanye Amri, die nak wat sukan pe kalau ade peluang - Sky Diving. Pergh..

Dah 20 tahun ni, baru rasa hayat manusia ni kejap je. Tup tap tup tap dah 40 tahun, 60,70 pastu masuk kubur. Banyak mana la amal aku ni ye. Hurmm...

12 May 2007

Bebelan of the Day

Sahabat bukan macam skate board..belum main, gilap..sudah main,pijak.. sahabat bukan macam bola sepak, belum dapat,kejar..dah dapat, tendang.. sahabat bukan macam bulu tangkis, belum main, pegang.. dah main, pukul..sahabat ibaratkan macam RAGBI, belum dapat,rebut..dah dapat,lindung dan jaga.. sahabat macam jari..Lukanya sembuh sendiri..hilangnya, tiada ganti..hehe (",) -muneim yg ske men ragbi-

26 April 2007

Nothing particular

Ok it's been nearly two months here and I can say that I am really happy with the place and definitely the working environment. We have free coffees - lots of flavours, we have pantry (because my previous office doesnt), varieties of food stalls, very comfortable chair :) fast PCs but not fast enough, clean toilet complete with good hygiene, big musolla to sleep in :P, tight security, nice tag hehe, lots of foreigners, great teammates, lots of professional teams, good management and of course it's challenging here.


Yeap I've been thinking about ages lately. About early people who get married at young age may live to see their children grow, work, and have their own families. About people who rarely talking to his parents, and imagining what they'll feel when the time is come for their parents to go. About which is more enjoyable between enjoying when we're singles or married. Yeah, i've been into many weird thinking lately.

Nik oh nik..

Nor Nikman is my housemate name, and he just forward me a link to an Utusan Online page. It is suppose to be a sad news, but I ROFLed =p because I just can't imagine he's working for a radio station. Here you know how geek he is.

14 April 2007


From my 1 month Windows experience on a global company, Windows really sucks. I really want to say this hard - SUCKS.

11 April 2007

Trend Yo'o

I kinda like this paragraph taken from More Ideas Than Time blog:

Starbucks is massive. People have totally gotten used to paying $2-$6 for a beverage. However, coffee is bad for you. And hot on the heels of the coffee trend is something diamtrically opposed to it: The all-natural-home-grown-organically-farmed-over-priced-but-we'll-still-buy-it-because-it's-supposed-to-be-good-for-you trend.

Yeah, I admit Starbucks' are too expensive. But it's the wireless Internet access that attracts me. Plus the sofa, calm atmosphere, power outlet and seeing beautiful people chit chating, a worth price to pay.

PS: kevler je yang beli kopi, aku bawak masuk slurpee 7e jek =p

09 April 2007


Now they all connected to me, haha! Today's story - tire punctured, walk miles to an LRT station, camcoding like a tourist from indo, flashed a logo(refresh to replay) for a nearly half an hour for a new friend in a coffee shop timesquare, went into sony style and went out cursing it, shop and bargain like hell just for a 100pcs of blank dvds, tried out all sennheiser's headphones in one audio store in lowyat - bought one unexpectedly, stopped at the borders before headed home.

08 April 2007

just a brief of myself at the moment

still up 5am in the morning, need to maintain my bodyclock, now in the mid of two weeks of night shift - crazy, stretching some ideas on a flash montage, got a few from templatemonster, using amri's headphone and suddenly thinking of getting one noise-cancelling headphone, looking through Bose site, nah they're pretty damn too expensive, sorting my itunes playlist between bit rate and sample rate, back and forth, found out all yui's song are in good quality, wisemen and whatgoesaround sounded clarified too, iwow srs plugin is cool, serving an excellent quality of sound, but it hogged half of my cpu utilization, affecting my flash process, so i had to open up a terminal and renice -20 -p 319, these set up higher priority for flash application, then mac pro came to mind, hoping for one, it'll cost nearly down payment for a new civic, but imagining using a quad core, freezes me - iwow,psd*,fcp*,flash bla bla lalala

psd=photoshop, fcp=finalcutpro

07 April 2007

Saving default putty settings

I hope there is an easier way to save the default settings for Putty. Rather than have to write 'Default Settings' in the Saved Sessions textfield, and click Save. By the way, I use PortaPutty. Because it store saved sessions in a folder, not in the Windows Registry like what original Putty does. So you can store Putty on your thumbdrive.

05 April 2007

Download Youtube Video

Two people asked me about downloading youtube video these pass two days. So here it is.

1. If you use Internet Explorer, forget it. Use Firefox.
2. Start Firefox, go to Tools menu, click Add-onns, click Get Extensions.
3. Then find VideoDownloader and click Install Now. After install, in order to make the new extension works, you have to restart firefox.
4. Go to the video page on youtube you want to download.
5. At the bottow-lower of the Firefox window, click on the small VideoDownloader icon.
6. Right click the Download Link button and save as whatevername.flv
7. You can play them with FLV Player or Media Player Classic K Lite Codec Pack.
8. For converting FLV to other format, I have my own way. For Windows, try Google ;)

27 March 2007

amri suh tulis..

Banyak masa, byk keje, byk bende blaja..
Sikit gaji, sikit cuti, sikit masa lagi aku pergi...

Hamad made for Vista, Oops

15 March 2007

The answers...

There are a few places you should refer to before asking people(by priority):

7.Mailing List

Referring to a person should be our last resort. Time is money. You should pay for their time if you ask stupid questions(a reminder for me too). Yeah, sometimes it is easier to just ask questions. You'll get lucky if the person you ask is OK. But by exploring you could accidentaly learn more.

11 March 2007

Get your iTunes account!

Malaysians cannot get iTunes account. I tell you why I want one. Free downloads of some tv-series, podcasts and auto-download album artwork! And now you can get one with a few tricks:

1. You must have AOL account, it's free.
2. You must have iTunes, it's free.
3. Get the code here.
4. In your iTunes, go to iTunes Store and click Redeem.
5. Enter the code.
6. Enter information. Get any US address. You can use addresses.com

I wrote these simplified steps guided by lowyat.net and mymacbuzz.com Not to forget, thanks alot kevler.

08 March 2007

07 March 2007

If you still don't know what Web 2.0 is...

Attended Sun Tech Days for the past two days, the event was fantastic. Got some CDs, freebies and cool Sun t-shirts. The talks were somewhat interesting too.

I just woke up from a long sleep...

13 February 2007


Ada benda yang aku nak cerita. Memang tak tahan la. Sampai sekarang nak gelak lagi. Har har har.

Tak tau la nape hari ni rasa nak makan coklat. Lepas makan maggi goreng dengan telur mata petang tadi, zupp! terus aku pergi Econsave beli Cadbury Fruits & Nuts.

Dah sampai opis aku pun makan la coklat tu. Ingat nak dapatkan mood balik sebab nak buat report mlm ni. Pelik gak tgok coklat tu sebab ada serbuk2 cekelat kat tepi2. Tengah mamam cekelat sambil layan Kevler kat YM, nampak something.

~toink~toink~ Ada ulat tengah lenggang lenggok jalan atas coklat aku.


Apa lagi mencarut la aku kat Kevler - sorry, ahakz! AKU DAH MAKAN LEBIH SEPARUH KO TAU! LAGI DUA PETAK LAGI KE GARISAN PENAMAT! Kevler suruh aku pergi Econsave wat report. Kalau diorang tak layan aku terpaksa report polis. Memula aku malas, tapi pas kena makan pujukan Kevler, aku pergi la.

Sampai2 je terus aku tanya keling kat kaunter tu. Dia pun tengok la pastu aku enjoy je tengok muke geli die. ~Iyeeerrr~ Pastu dia ajak lagi dua tiga minah Akonsave tengok same2. Ingat ape, free show ke.

Si leader pun datang tengok, pastu suh aku tunggu, diorang nak wat siasatan. Ampes, lama gila siasatan. Ingat ape CSI ke. Punye lama aku pusing Ekonsave tu tengok macam2, termasuk bahagian ikan masin, pastu aku terjumpa ada ikan pari masin dan kepala ikan masin. Terfikir plak eh kalau la semua benda boleh jadi masin, mmg 2 kali ganda produk boleh jual. AKu dah merepek.

Lama nyerr tunggu siasatan minah Conan tu sampai ada makcik cina ni tanya aku - time tu aku kat depan kotak2 lokam(limau mandarin). "Mana kotak 7ringgit 80sen? Ini besar mana? Kotak mana saiz 's'?" WOI INGAT MUKE AKU NI PEKERJA EKONSAVE KE? Aku faham la muke aku cam bangla sket, TAPI BAJU AKU PUNYE LA SMART! Sabo je la. Tapi aku takde la sound. Aku dengan baik hati dan murni jiwa, aku pun terangkan la camna nak tengok saiz kat kotak tu. Harga yg M macam mana.

Dah dah.. menyimpang jauh dah. Tu la tak bg signal. dah tau simpang empat (apek.copyright)

Pastu leader tu pun jumpe aku. Kami pun mengadakan perbincangan tergempar. Dia cakap expire date lambat lagi. So dia tak leh nak dipersalahkan. Diorang akan complain kat Cadburry. AND YANG PALING BEST, aku diberi pilihan untuk di hantar ke klinik panel atau ambil hamper. HAMPER?! Tadi aku turun tangga ada gak usha2 hamper2 kat atas tangga. "HAMPER YG KAT ATAS TANGGA TU?!"

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aku cakap, "APAKAH INI?! CABUTAN BERTUAH KA?!" Dia recommend aku gi klinik panel dimana diorang akan byr la. Hahaha, takyah takyah, org gile yang tak penah tgok fear factor je yg gi klinik. Aku nak hamper. HAHAHAHA. "Nak hamper dgn cadburry boleh? hehe" Masa aku nak ambil hamper bukan main aku pilih2 yang mane best, sekali sama daa semua. Aku pun keluar Akonsave dengan senyuman sampai telinga. Balik YM, aku gelak YM kat kevler, die pelik, pastu die pun gelak guling2 - sbb emoticon die gelak guling...

Hurmm..camne la nak bawak balik hamper gedabak tu dgn motot. Nanti aku upload kan gambo tuh hehe

PS: time aku dah nak abis tulis blog ni, aku rasa semacam... patut ke aku gi klinik ek? =p Lagi satu, serbuk2 kat tepi coklat tu ape bende erk? :S

09 February 2007

Running again

What I can say about my life these pass few days.. it was beautiful. Three days workshop with a friend, the return of my powerbook, a wonderful japanese dinner with fantastic view over KL and meeting experienced FOSS people.

I got another big scratches too on my left arm. But still became beautiful. Did not expect that lot of careness and tenderness surrounded me.

PS CS3 crack, is to rename the application.sif to application.xx

  • sesuatu operasi itu hendaklah tidak menjadi punca kemungkaran tajassus (intipan mencari kesalahan), berkembang dalam masyarakat Islam.
  • sesuatu operasi itu sendiri tidak boleh berasaskan tajassus.
  • operasi tidak boleh berasaskan perkhabaran yang tidak diyakini.
  • pihak pencegahan tidak boleh menggalakkan suasana suka mengadu keaiban sesama Muslim, secara langsung atau tidak, tanpa kesedaran sendiri.
  • tidak boleh didedahkan maksiat sebelum dijatuhkan hukuman, maka tindakan membawa media untuk membuat liputan semasa penangkapan adalah menyanggah prinsip keadilan dalam Islam.
  • setiap pelaksana hendaklah faham bahawa jika diragui sesuatu operasi itu mungkin melanggar larangan syarak yang lain, maka hendaklah tinggalkan.

  • Dr. Mohamed Asri Zainul Abidin here

    31 January 2007

    I miss you..

    I turned my PowerBook last two weeks to VR Technology, at Megan Avenue. They are the authorized Apple service center that I only familiar with. Started to know bout the shop 3 years ago when I had a problem with my logic board. They replaced it.

    And everyday I'm wondering when will I get a hold to my PowerBook again. Really miss her. So many things to do, but unable to. How depressing.

    29 January 2007

    A message

    To someone that matters,
    "I'm going to save you,".


    Waaaaa... At last the Flash KLRCA CD project is complete. I'll update this later ;)

    First and foremost I would like to thank Him for giving me strength, and not to forget my friend, Kevler. You helped me alot bro! Sorry for all the troubles.

    Update 31st January:

    It is NOT complete YET! Bugs came from nowhere!

    26 January 2007

    Siti thru ym

    adakah anda di luar sana peka, bahawa salah satu iklan yg rasa2 lucu kat dlm TV skarang (org pakai sut kuning mcm bodoh) menggunakan lagu GEREJA

    dalam iklan tersebut... . Iklan tersebut telah mempengaruhi masyarakat kita dengan menyanyikan lagu tersebut secara tidak sedar kerana cuba mengikut rentak lagu GEREJA

    dipetik " KU KAN MENGIKUT MU, KEMANA SAJA KAU PERGI" or dlm bahasa INGGERIS "I'm gonna follow him"

    "HIM" merujuk kepada ISA @ JESUS... .

    Hal ini sedikit sebanyak telah memesongkan akidah umat ISlam secara halus melalui pengaruh Iklan dan lagu tersebut.. Ramai yang tidak sedar akan hal ini dan mengatakan iklan tersebut best atau pun lucu...tapi sebenarnya itulah stategi org kafir utk menghancurkan umat islam"

    Komen: Bergantung lah pada niat orangnya jugak. Boleh jadi pengaruh, boleh jadi tidak. Boleh je kita tukar follow ayah ke, my friend ke.. Tapi itulah, kalau orang yang tak cukup didikan agama maybe leh terpengaruh kut, and suke dgn lagu tu sampai tertarik sedikit. Kena fikir jugak, kalau dua juta penduduk Islam yang tak* terpengaruh, tapi ada seorang dua murtad sebab perkara yang kita anggap remeh ni, tak patut ke sedih? Hurmm

    *baru update: tak terpengaruh

    20 January 2007

    Hadiah Tahun Baru

    Alhamdulillah, my powerbook repair that costs more than 5K is covered by Apple Care Protection Plan. The LCD and the logic board are seriously damaged due to an accident months ago. Luckily, I just need to replace the new battery which also cheaper than the market price.

    19 January 2007

    18 January 2007

    tell me

    tell me
    how long out mother carried us in her belly
    how hard she tried to get us out
    how patience she was when we cried every night
    how worried she was when we are sick
    cleaned us, fed us, loved us, cared for us
    held us in her arms when we're afraid
    and I'm not sure what I've given her til today
    oh she doesnt want anything, only my thoughtfulness
    is it too hard for me to just spend some cents
    to call her and ask how she is today?
    i am grateful she's still in my reach


    14 January 2007


    Aku tak tau nape aku feel down gile hari ni. Tak penah lagi macam ni...

    10 January 2007

    It ends tonight..

    I want to talk a little bit about iPhone. We - amri,kev - have watched Steve Jobs keynote on iPhone announcement. It was a thrill, magnificent and breathtaking moment. So I do not tend to write an essay here, because I don't like to read a multiple lines of statements :D These are iPhone highlights:

    1. It's widescreen.
    2. Button is the screen ;) [We don't want button that fixed there forever].
    3. Multitouch screen, a new technology.
    4. 4/8 Gigabytes storage.
    5. It's an iPod.
    6. A real web browser, Google and Yahoo! built-in, POP3, IMAP, Google Earth
    7. It uses OSX, software are embedded - Its really fast.
    8. Cool scrolling "You had me at scrolling.."
    9. The thinnest mobile phone at the moment.
    10 Visual voicemail.
    11 Sensors that can sense iPhone's position.
    12 Sync with Apple computers. Love this!

    Sadly, it doesn't support 3G. What can I say. I really want one of those.

    08 January 2007

    Unprotected Privacy

    I went to the UPM treasury department today. And I noticed a PC provided publicly for checking student's ledger record. Sadly, the program don't have any password authentication or any verification. Means I can just check anyone's ledger record, their IC, matric no., house address, course etc. Bingo!

    I'm connected - wherever I go, gigabytes of my hard disk data are along with me - as long as there is a PC(public) and internet. All my songs, documents, emails etc are 'virtually' anywhere to be retrieved anytime. As long as there is a browser, winscp, putty and mp3 player, I'll stay happy eventhough I wasn't at home.

    04 January 2007

    tell me

    tell me how do you feel today
    are you happy being you
    or are you just pretending happy being you
    or.. youre just not really sure how does it feels like being happy
    im not talking about short term happiness bro

    how do human define happiness
    ask a kindergarten kid how happy he is
    ask a sixteen years old girl then
    ask a man in his thirty
    then someone who says life begins at forty
    and lastly youll know
    how their answers greatly differ from an old man who sits on a bench alone waiting to die

    the definition will always change.
