10 January 2007

It ends tonight..

I want to talk a little bit about iPhone. We - amri,kev - have watched Steve Jobs keynote on iPhone announcement. It was a thrill, magnificent and breathtaking moment. So I do not tend to write an essay here, because I don't like to read a multiple lines of statements :D These are iPhone highlights:

1. It's widescreen.
2. Button is the screen ;) [We don't want button that fixed there forever].
3. Multitouch screen, a new technology.
4. 4/8 Gigabytes storage.
5. It's an iPod.
6. A real web browser, Google and Yahoo! built-in, POP3, IMAP, Google Earth
7. It uses OSX, software are embedded - Its really fast.
8. Cool scrolling "You had me at scrolling.."
9. The thinnest mobile phone at the moment.
10 Visual voicemail.
11 Sensors that can sense iPhone's position.
12 Sync with Apple computers. Love this!

Sadly, it doesn't support 3G. What can I say. I really want one of those.

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