31 January 2007
I miss you..
And everyday I'm wondering when will I get a hold to my PowerBook again. Really miss her. So many things to do, but unable to. How depressing.
29 January 2007
First and foremost I would like to thank Him for giving me strength, and not to forget my friend, Kevler. You helped me alot bro! Sorry for all the troubles.
Update 31st January:
It is NOT complete YET! Bugs came from nowhere!
26 January 2007
Siti thru ym
adakah anda di luar sana peka, bahawa salah satu iklan yg rasa2 lucu kat dlm TV skarang (org pakai sut kuning mcm bodoh) menggunakan lagu GEREJA
dalam iklan tersebut... . Iklan tersebut telah mempengaruhi masyarakat kita dengan menyanyikan lagu tersebut secara tidak sedar kerana cuba mengikut rentak lagu GEREJA
dipetik " KU KAN MENGIKUT MU, KEMANA SAJA KAU PERGI" or dlm bahasa INGGERIS "I'm gonna follow him"
"HIM" merujuk kepada ISA @ JESUS... .
Hal ini sedikit sebanyak telah memesongkan akidah umat ISlam secara halus melalui pengaruh Iklan dan lagu tersebut.. Ramai yang tidak sedar akan hal ini dan mengatakan iklan tersebut best atau pun lucu...tapi sebenarnya itulah stategi org kafir utk menghancurkan umat islam"
Komen: Bergantung lah pada niat orangnya jugak. Boleh jadi pengaruh, boleh jadi tidak. Boleh je kita tukar follow ayah ke, my friend ke.. Tapi itulah, kalau orang yang tak cukup didikan agama maybe leh terpengaruh kut, and suke dgn lagu tu sampai tertarik sedikit. Kena fikir jugak, kalau dua juta penduduk Islam yang tak* terpengaruh, tapi ada seorang dua murtad sebab perkara yang kita anggap remeh ni, tak patut ke sedih? Hurmm
*baru update: tak terpengaruh
20 January 2007
Hadiah Tahun Baru
19 January 2007
18 January 2007
tell me
how long out mother carried us in her belly
how hard she tried to get us out
how patience she was when we cried every night
how worried she was when we are sick
cleaned us, fed us, loved us, cared for us
held us in her arms when we're afraid
and I'm not sure what I've given her til today
oh she doesnt want anything, only my thoughtfulness
is it too hard for me to just spend some cents
to call her and ask how she is today?
i am grateful she's still in my reach
14 January 2007
10 January 2007
It ends tonight..
I want to talk a little bit about iPhone. We - amri,kev - have watched Steve Jobs keynote on iPhone announcement. It was a thrill, magnificent and breathtaking moment. So I do not tend to write an essay here, because I don't like to read a multiple lines of statements :D These are iPhone highlights:
1. It's widescreen.
2. Button is the screen ;) [We don't want button that fixed there forever].
3. Multitouch screen, a new technology.
4. 4/8 Gigabytes storage.
5. It's an iPod.
6. A real web browser, Google and Yahoo! built-in, POP3, IMAP, Google Earth
7. It uses OSX, software are embedded - Its really fast.
8. Cool scrolling "You had me at scrolling.."
9. The thinnest mobile phone at the moment.
10 Visual voicemail.
11 Sensors that can sense iPhone's position.
12 Sync with Apple computers. Love this!
Sadly, it doesn't support 3G. What can I say. I really want one of those.
08 January 2007
Unprotected Privacy
I'm connected - wherever I go, gigabytes of my hard disk data are along with me - as long as there is a PC(public) and internet. All my songs, documents, emails etc are 'virtually' anywhere to be retrieved anytime. As long as there is a browser, winscp, putty and mp3 player, I'll stay happy eventhough I wasn't at home.
04 January 2007
tell me
are you happy being you
or are you just pretending happy being you
or.. youre just not really sure how does it feels like being happy
im not talking about short term happiness bro
how do human define happiness
ask a kindergarten kid how happy he is
ask a sixteen years old girl then
ask a man in his thirty
then someone who says life begins at forty
and lastly youll know
how their answers greatly differ from an old man who sits on a bench alone waiting to die
the definition will always change.