23 September 2007

Backup Your Yahoo Messenger ID Contact Before Worst Thing Happen

I and my friends had a conversation last night about hijacked Yahoo! ID and we agreed on what the saddest thing about it - lost of ID contacts. So this morning I figured it out how to backup YM contacts by exporting them from Yahoo! mail.

Login to your Yahoo! mail and go to Addresses tab at the top. Then click Import/Export link which is located on the right between Sync and Options button. Scroll down to Export section and click Yahoo! CSV: Export Now. You will automatically download a dot csv file. To check the content, use Microsoft Excel to open it.

Additional steps on securing your Yahoo ID: Take your security question seriously, use symbol combination in your password, and avoid entering password on accepted/received URL.

Updated august 11 2008:
Import/export feature is now under Contacts.


Anonymous said...

tak boleh pon
hu3,camno ni


Aman said...

Sekarang, import/export ada kat Contacts.