11 April 2007

Trend Yo'o

I kinda like this paragraph taken from More Ideas Than Time blog:

Starbucks is massive. People have totally gotten used to paying $2-$6 for a beverage. However, coffee is bad for you. And hot on the heels of the coffee trend is something diamtrically opposed to it: The all-natural-home-grown-organically-farmed-over-priced-but-we'll-still-buy-it-because-it's-supposed-to-be-good-for-you trend.

Yeah, I admit Starbucks' are too expensive. But it's the wireless Internet access that attracts me. Plus the sofa, calm atmosphere, power outlet and seeing beautiful people chit chating, a worth price to pay.

PS: kevler je yang beli kopi, aku bawak masuk slurpee 7e jek =p

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